
if you like the type

i don't know about you, but i have this thing for the asian look. if you do, then come to hong kong and feast your eyes! they are beautiful, charming, dress really well and are sooo nice! both man and woman. unfortunately it has really just been a feast to my eyes. no encounters so far ;)
(pictures will be uploaded as soon as i find a computer to take them out of my digital camera)

see you soon
(04:52 PM, HK time)

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postado por wandering_dune às 9:47 da manhã

Anonymous Anónimo disse...

o que tu queres sei eu! what you want i know! you want an asian look all over you! SO SHOW THEM YOUR PUSSIPOWER! or else... leoa boa... you know...

5/23/2005 5:08 da tarde  
Anonymous Anónimo disse...

a voz deles junta se aos olhos
o povo mais bonito do mundo

5/24/2005 4:11 da tarde  
Anonymous Anónimo disse...


6/13/2005 4:49 da tarde  

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