
communist china

i'm flabergasted!!

from macau you can cross the border into mainland china, to zhuhai, which is a special economic region. and what does this mean? it means that capitalism is at its best around here! free commerce, probably special taxing, or none at all. a huge shopping mall with everything the chinese can duplicate. Dvd’s, cd’s, wallets, watches, trainers, shoes, shirts, etc. etc. and people cross the boarder to go shopping. and that’s what we did. (it was pissing down and the city is not exactly the most appealing)

and communism gives way to obsessed consumism

(11:05 AM, HK time)


postado por wandering_dune às 4:05 da manhã

Blogger Papo-seco disse...

E o geitão que me davam agora uns DVDzinhos...

Continuação de boa viagem


5/27/2005 10:16 da manhã  

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